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中国式卖空机制与市场定价效率发布时间:2022-06-28  点击数:
作 者:于瑞安 吴秋实
摘 要:



Chinese Short Selling Mechanisms and Market Pricing Efficiency

Yu RuianHubei University of Technology Wu QiushiHubei University

Abstract As an emerging market, Chinese securities market has experienced the development of short selling mechanism from nothing to existence, with the number of short selling underlying assets changing from less to more and with a steady development of short selling market in the past ten years. Chinese securities market hopes to stabilize market prices and improve market efficiency through the introduction of short selling mechanism. However, the short selling mechanism may also be used by speculators as a tool to "buying the winners". In Chinese securities market, margin trading, stock index futures trading and stock index options trading are three innovative trading forms in short selling mechanism. All the three innovative trading forms have increased the pricing efficiency of stock market. However, the increment of stock market pricing efficiency is limited due to the limited number of underlying stocks and the inactivity of short selling market. The state of Chinese stock market has an impact on the price discovery function of short selling mechanism. During the stock market crash, the stock index futures and stock index options still have the function of in‐ creasing the efficiency of stock market pricing, but the restricted trading of stock index futures and stock index options weakens the price discovery function. However, during the stock market crash, the margin trading mechanism has no function of increasing the stock market pricing efficiency, the extreme imbalance be‐ tween margin trading and short selling trading leads to the loss of price discovery function of margin trading mechanism, and becomes the "booster" of stock market boom and slump.

Key words      short selling mechanism; pricing efficiency; margin trading; stock index futures; stock index options


    作者简介 于瑞安,经济学博士,湖北工业大学经济与管理学院讲师;湖北 武汉 430068吴秋实,经济学博士,湖北大学商学院教授;湖北 武汉 430062
