“实用入侵”(PE)是当今认识论领域的一个热门话题,与之相关的争论大都围绕这个问题展开:到底是什么因素决定了信念的合理性地位?智识主义者认为,信念的合理性只依赖于与真理相关的认知因素;而实践派则认为,信念的合理性至少部分地依赖与真理无关的实践因素。通过对实践派用以支持PE 的案例和原则的考察可以看到,实践派从根本上面临着一种悖论式的困境:一方面,如果他们想保有PE 的解释力,那么这种解释只对合理的行动有效,并未冲击到信念的合理性地位;另一方面,如果他们想从根本上刻画信念合理性的实质条件,那么,PE 便会失去应有的解释力,甚至会带来一些非常诡异的结果。因此,PE 并未从根本上冲击到信念的合理性地位。
The Dilemma of the ''Pragmatic Encroachment''
Pan Lei(Wuhan University)
Abstract In recent years, there is a widespread concern on ''pragmatic encroachment'' in epistemology. The disputing question is: what factors determine the rational status of belief? Intellectualists hold that the rationality of belief depends solely upon the factors which are related to truth. However, practionists argue that the rationality of belief partly relies on some practical factors which are not related to truth. The cases and principles used to support PE shows that practionists are confronted with a 'paradoxical' dilemma, that is: on the one hand, if they want to preserve the explanatory power of PE, then the explanation provided by practionists will do its work only for rational action. On the other hand, if they want to provide us with a substantial condition for the rationality of belief, then PE will lose its explanatory power and even result in some strange consequences. In conclusion, PE does not challenge the rational status of belief.
Key words pragmatic encroachment;the rationality of belief;intellectualism;practionists
■ 作者简介 潘 磊,哲学博士,武汉大学哲学学院副教授;湖北 武汉 430072。