A Historical Materialist Analysis of ''Animal Liberation''
Cai Huajie,Wang Yue(Fujian Normal University)
Abstract Neither Benton, who accuses Marx of being a speciesist by describing the differences be‐ tween humans and animals, nor Foster, who defends Marx by describing the similarities between humans and animals, has provided sufficient evidence for both the prosecution and the defense. Marx took the fact of the "relationship" of "unity in difference" between humans and animals in the ecological circle as the ontological basis for animal liberation. Of course, Marx did elaborate on the differences between humans and animals, but unlike the explicitly anthropocentric tendencies of Christian doctrine and Agamben's subjective process perspective, Marx wrote about the "differences in unity" between humans and animals in a historical materialist manner. Furthermore, in his interpretation of the historical changes in the relationship between humans and animals under different social production modes, Marx revealed the capital proliferation effect of animals as fixed capital or circulating capital under the capitalist mode of production and the resulting state of existence. Therefore, the complete liberation of animals can only be achieved under the fundamental premise of the socialist mode of production, especially by adhering to the public ownership of wild animals and the production purpose of meeting the people's needs for high-quality ecological products.
Key words Marx;animal liberation;historical materialism;species discrimination;the difference between humans and animals
■ 作者简介 蔡华杰,法学博士,福建师范大学马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师,福建省习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心特约研究员;福建 福州 350117;王 越,福建师范大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。