实践哲学解决了自然观与历史观是否统一和如何统一的真理性问题。受历史条件限制,实践哲学对自然观与历史观为何统一的价值性问题的探讨并不充分。随着时代的发展,该问题日益凸显,表现为理论逻辑缺失和实践价值混乱。发展哲学是历史唯物主义的新时代表征,兼具价值批判功能,有研究该问题的天然优势。从发展哲学出发考察马克思主义自然观与历史观的价值统一性,体现了马克思主义从人的多元生活需要理解人类(社会)发展的人本价值,从异化劳动对生活需要多元性的消解揭露资本主义社会发展价值观物性特征的批判价值,以及以满足人的多元生活需要确立以人的自由全面发展为旨归的共产主义社会多维发展观的发展价值。从发展哲学考察马克思主义自然观与历史观价值统一性的现实意义在于:坚持并发展了实践的观点,回答了“要不要发展”的问题,批判了虚无主义; 重申了马克思主义非中介性多维发展观,回答了“要怎样的发展”的问题,批判了资本主义社会的一维发展观;以培育新理性,激发人民美好生活需要,构建多维劳动价值体系,鼓励创新型劳动实现高质量发展,回答了“要如何发展”的问题,批判了共产主义乌托邦论。
Re-discussion on the Marxist Unification of the Views Of Nature and History
An Investigation Based on the Value Dimension of Development Philosophy
Yue Kui,Xu Hui(China University of Geosciences,Wuhan)
Abstract Practical philosophy solves the truth problem of "whether to unify" and "how to unify" be‐ tween the view of nature and the view of history. Restricted by historical conditions, practical philosophy has not fully explored the value of "why are the views of nature and history unified". With the development of the times, this problem has become increasingly prominent as manifested in the lack of theoretical logic and the confusion of practical value. Development philosophy, as the representation in the new time of historical materialism, has the natural advantage for this problem with its function of value criticism. Examining the value unity of Marxist "unification of the view of nature and the view of history" from the perspective of development philosophy reflects the humanistic value of Marxism in understanding the causes of human (SOCIAL) development from the needs of human diversified life, and reveals the critical value of the material characteristics of the development values of capitalist society from the digestion of the diversity of life needs by alienated labor. to meet the needs of people's diversified life and establish the development value of the multidi‐mensional development concept of Communist society with the purpose of people's free and all-round development. The practical significance of examining the value unity of Marxist view of nature and view of history from the perspective of development philosophy lies in: insisting on and developing the viewpoint of practice, answering the question of "development or not" and criticizing nihilism, Moreover, it restates the non-intermediary multidimensional development view of Marxism, answers the question of "which development to choose", and criticizes the one-dimensional development view of capitalist society in order to cultivate new rationality, stimulate people's needs for a better life, build a multi-dimensional labor value system, encourage innovative labor to achieve high-quality development, answer the question "how to develop", and criticize the communist utopia.
Key words Marxism;view of nature;view of history;practical philosophy;development philosophy
■ 作者简介 岳 奎,法学博士,中国地质大学(武汉)马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师;湖北,武汉 430074;许 慧,哲学博士,中国地质大学(武汉)马克思主义学院博士后,江汉大学马克思主义学院讲师、硕士生导师。