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马尔库塞早期社会变迁理论探析发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:
作 者:梁美妍
摘 要:

目前学术界对马尔库塞的关注和研究主要集中于他在文化层面上开展的社会批判,例如单向度的人、大拒绝战略等。但是,从最新出版的马尔库塞生前未发表的大量文献来看,马尔库塞的社会批判理论并不局限于文化批判,他在20 世纪40-60 年代从社会变迁的角度对现代技术和发达工业社会都做了深刻的研究和批判。一方面,马尔库塞在理论上考察了古代哲学中的社会变迁思想、现代理性主义社会变迁理论、现代社会学的社会变迁理论,特别是马克思的社会变迁理论;另一方面,他深刻揭示了现代技术对发达工业社会的全面重塑、发达工业社会对社会变迁的遏制以及发挥技术的解放潜能推动发达工业社会深刻变迁可能的途径。马尔库塞早期的社会变迁理论对我们更加全面地把握法兰克福学派社会批判理论,特别是对我们在新的历史条件下进一步丰富和发展马克思的社会历史理论,具有重要的学术价值。


An Analysis of Herbert Marcuse's Early Social Change Theory

Liang MeiyanHeilongjiang University of Science and Technology


Abstract Up to now the research of Herbert Marcuse in Chinese academic circles has been focused on his social criticism on the cultural level, for example, his theory of "one dimensional man" and "the Great Rejection strategy". However, according to a large number of newly published documents that Marcuse did not publish before his death, Marcuse's critical theory of society is not limited to cultural criticism, instead, from 1940s to 1960s, he studied and criticized modern technology and developed industrial society from the perspective of social change . On one hand, Marcuse has studied the social change thought in ancient philosophy, the modern rationalism social change theory, the social change theory of the modern sociology, especially Karl Marx's social change theory. On the other hand, he profoundly reveals the comprehensive reshaping of the developed industrial society by modern technology, the impediment of the developed industrial society to social changes, and the possible ways to activate the liberating potential of technology and to promote the pro‐ found changes of the developed industrial society. Marcuse's early social change theory has important academic value for us to grasp the Frankfurt School's social critical theory more comprehensively, especially to further enrich and develop Karl Marx's social history theory under the new historical condition.

Key words      Herbert Marcusesocial changemodern technologydeveloped industrial society


    作者简介 梁美妍,哲学博士,黑龙江科技大学马克思主义学院讲师;黑龙江 哈尔滨 150022
