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网络金融视阈下单位犯罪理论的反思与出路发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:366
作 者:李兰英 魏瀚申
关键词: 网络金融犯罪;单位犯罪;刑事归责;刑罚转向;复合责任模式;数字金融;同一视理论
摘 要:



Reflections and Prospects of the Theory of Unit Crime In China from the Perspective of Network Finance

Li LanyingWei Hanshen (Xiamen University)


Abstract In recent years, the opposition between the internal structure of the unit organization and the demand for risk distribution on the one hand and the traditional criminal responsibility system of the unit crime on the other has become increasingly prominent. An examination of the logical path of network financial unit crime and inspection of the status and the practice revealed that the existing network financial criminal liability of unit crime and punishment mode cannot achieve the unit crime of crimes and punishment of appropriate equilibrium due to our traditional criminal main body determinism thinking, and moreover seriously lags behind the concept of modern enterprise development, in conflicts with the future development direction of modern enterprises. From the perspective of the development and evolution of unit crime theory, the emphasis on the unit inherent responsibilities and the establishment of a composite responsibility with a balanced personal responsibility mode and organizational responsibility model, are not only beneficial to re‐ shape the unit crime from two aspects of standard theory and ontology imputation theory and punishment sys‐ tem, but also conform to the modern criminal preventive risk to the value of target enterprises.

Key words network financial crime; unit crime; criminal imputation; penalty transformation; com‐ pound liability model; digital finance; identification principle


    作者简介 李兰英,法学博士,厦门大学法学院教授、博士生导师;福建 厦门 361005




