立足于CPA 审计的监督治理职能,选取2015-2019 年沪深A 股上市公司为样本,以会计信息质量的可靠性原则为切入点,检验关键审计事项披露及其披露特征所产生的增量治理效果,研究发现:第一,关键审计事项披露确保了长期内更为持续可靠的会计信息质量,提升公司盈余总额持续性,这一持续性是由应计盈余持续性贡献的。第二,在披露特征检验方面,披露程度越高或者越多事项涉及大额盈余操纵科目,公司盈余总额持续性和应计盈余持续性的提升幅度越明显。第三,关键审计事项在法制环境越良好、注册会计师越具行业专长时,对公司盈余总额持续性和应计盈余持续性的提升效果越明显,一定程度上解释了关键审计事项强化CPA 审计监督治理职能的作用机制。
Disclosure of Key Audit Matters and Strengthening of CPA Audit Function of Supervision and Governance
Li Xiaoyue,Xiao Xing(Tsinghua University)
Yu Ziqin(Beijing Jiaotong University)
Abstract Based on the supervision and governance function of CPA audit, and taking the principle of reliability of accounting information quality as the entry point, this study examines the incremental governance effect generated by disclosure of key audit matters and the difference of governance effect generated by different disclosure characteristics by taking A-shares listed companies on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Ex‐ changes from 2015 to 2019 as observation samples. The results show that: (1) The disclosure of key audit matters would strengthen the supervision and governance function of CPA audit, and ensure a higher earnings persistence and reliable quality of accounting information in the long run, which is contributed by the persistence of accrued-based earnings. (2) In terms of disclosure characteristics, this study finds that the higher the degree of the disclosure of key audit matters is, the more items are involved in large earnings manipulation, and the more conducive it is to the improvement of the company's earnings persistence and accrued-based earnings persistence. (3) Moreover, when there is a better legal environment or the CPAs have more industry expertise, the improvement effect of key audit matters on the earnings persistence and accrued-based earnings persistence is more obvious, which explains the mechanism of strengthening the audit supervision and governance function of CPA on key audit matters. The research conclusions point out the direction for the behavior choice of the executive subject and the action subject of the standards.
Key words key audit matters;characteristics of disclosure;CPA audit;function of supervision and governance;earnings persistence
■ 作者简介 李晓月,管理学博士,清华大学经济管理学院博士后;北京 100084;肖 星,管理学博士,清华大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100084;喻子秦,北京交通大学经济管理学院博士研究生;北京 100044。