创新作为引领发展的第一动力,始终是组织管理研究的核心。员工之间的个体差异对创造力有重要影响,特别对于受教育程度普遍较高、自我意识较强的高新技术企业员工来说,个体的深层次差异对创造力的影响更加显著。通过对来自高新技术企业230 对上下级配对的数据进行分析,可发现:感知深层次差异对员工创造力存在消极影响,但个体的经验开放性会削弱该消极影响,并部分地通过内部动机来发挥作用。组织领导应通过建立共同目标与愿景引导员工减少由自身深层次差异带来的消极影响,在招聘过程中应尽量选择具有经验开放性和积极主动性的员工,通过文化氛围塑造和人力资源管理实践激发员工内部动机、发挥其主观能动性。
Perceived Deep-level Dissimilarity and Individual Creativity
A Study Based on Conservation of Resources Theory
Jia Liangding,Yang Yiyi(Nanjing University)
Liu Depeng(Shandong University)
Abstract As the primary driving force for development, innovation has always been the core of organizational management research. Individual differences among employees have a significant impact on creativity, especially for employees in high-tech enterprises. They generally have higher educational levels and stronger self-awareness, which leads to a more prominent effect of perceived deep-level dissimilarity on individual creativity. Data analysis from 230 dyads in high-tech enterprises finds that perceived deep-level dissimilarity is negatively related to individual creativity. However, openness to experience will weaken the negative impact, and partly through intrinsic motivation. Organizational leaders, therefore, should guide employees to re‐ duce the negative impact caused by their own deep-level dissimilarity by establishing common goals and visions, and try to select employees with openness and initiative in the recruitment process. Moreover, organizations can stimulate employees' intrinsic motivation and exert their subjective initiative through cultural atmosphere shaping and human resources management practices.
Key words perceived deep-level dissimilarity; individual creativity; human resources management; organizational management; Conservation of Resources Theory
■ 作者简介 贾良定,管理学博士,南京大学商学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 210093;
杨椅伊(通讯作者),南京大学商学院博士研究生;刘德鹏,管理学博士,山东大学管理学院副教授;山东 济南 250100。