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百年来中国共产党认识和评价辛亥革命的逻辑转换发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:
作 者:杜家丞
摘 要:



The Logical Shift of CPC’s Understanding and Evaluation Of The Revolution of 1911 over the Past Century

Du JiachengRenmin University of China

Abstract The Revolution of 1911 is a major historical event in the history of the Chinese revaluation and the development of the Chinese nation. For more than a century, the Chinese Communists have adhered to historical materialism, and successively formed narrative logic with class revolution and national rejuvenation as the core themes in the process of understanding and evaluating the Revolution of 1911. With changing conditions and practical needs of the times, the two kinds of logic have undergone a developmental process of shift. In New Era, the CPC made a new commentary on the Revolution of 1911 as the CPC establish the goal of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although the logic of national rejuvenation gradually became the dominating logic after the reform and opening up, the spirit of struggle and revolution was in no way abandoned. Adherence to struggle and adherence to self-revolution are valuable lessons learned from the CPC’ s century-long struggle, and constitute a strong guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Key words      the Communist Party of Chinathe Revolution of 1911class revolutionthe great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation


    作者简介 杜家丞,法学博士,中国人民大学马克思主义学院讲师;北京 100872


