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良知精微之体的喻指与表达——王阳明与王龙溪对《中庸》要义的诠释发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:
作 者:张昭炜
摘 要:

依据《孟子》的良知与《大学》的致知,阳明学向致广大推致;在此之外,《中庸》的“未发之中”“独”亦是重要依据,向“尽精微”深入。如同《中庸》的“致广大而尽精微”,两者共同撑开阳明学。通过病根喻与钟声喻,王阳明从反与正两方面揭示“未发之中” 隐藏的风险与潜在的动能,并在天泉证道中综合之。三十年后,王龙溪发展出北辰喻,此喻保证未发之中指向正确(无病根),且无一息之停(动能充足)。由未发之中可拓展出良知三面:第一面是作为隐微之体的缄默维度(未发之中”“),第二面是作为显见之用的显性维度(已发之和”“),第三面是前两面的统合()。前两面通一无二,呼应中国哲学的体用一原、显微无间。结合《中庸》的“费而隐”,良知三面之间多重互动,相互表达,一即是三,三即是一。良知三面可对应无、有、有无之间,但亦有超出。与知识论对接,良知体用两面可分别对应德性之知(知)与知识(识),通过“转识成知”,可实现两者的统合,以知识锻 炼德性。能力与动力之知均可归入缄默维度,是良知的深层动力之源。


The Metaphors and Signifying of Profound Substance Of the Innate Knowledge

The Main Points of Interpretation of the Doctrine of Mean By Wang Yangming and Wang Longxi


Zhang ZhaoweiWuhan University


Abstract The main source of the doctrine of Yangming school is mainly based on “the innate knowl‐ edge” of Mengzi and “extending the knowledge” of the Great Learning, which “achieves breadth and great‐ ness”; “Equilibrium before the feelings are aroused” and “being alone” of the Doctrine of Mean also constitute an important basis of the doctrine of Yangming school, which “pursues the refined and subtle to the limit”. By using the root cause of diseases metaphor and the bell metaphor, Wang Yangming reveals the poten‐ tial risks and hiding energy of “equilibrium before the feelings are aroused”, and synthesizes them in the sym‐ posium of Tianquan Bridge. Thirty years later, Wang Longxi develops Polaris metaphor, which can guarantee the correct direction and contain endless potential energy. On the basis of attaching importance to “equilibri‐ um before the feelings are aroused”, he develops three aspects of innate knowledge: the first aspect is the tacit dimension of subtle substance, the second aspect is the explicit dimension of manifest function, and the third aspect is the integration of the other two aspects. There is a multiple interaction among the three aspects, with each one representing the three and showing abundant patterns in correspondence. Three aspects of innate knowledge correspond to three kinds of knowledge of epistemology: tacit dimension, public knowledge, and personal knowledge. In connection with epistemology, the two aspects of substance and function of the innate knowledge are corresponding to knowledge of virtue and recognition, respectively. By “transforming recognition into knowledge of virtue”, the two aspects can be integrated, and the knowledge of virtue can be enhanced by recognition. In addition, the knowledge of ability and power can be classified into the tacit dimension, which is the source of the deep power of innate knowledge.

Key words the Doctrine of Mean; Wang Yangming; Wang Longxi; the innate knowledge; equilibrium before the feelings are aroused


    作者简介 张昭炜,哲学博士,武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉430072

