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蒯因的自然主义:澄清与辩护发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:
作 者:陈波
摘 要:



Quine's Naturalism: Clarification and Vindication

Chen BoWuhan University

Abstract Naturalism is the dominant characteristic of Quine's philosophy. By means of its genetic approach, Quine's naturalized epistemology (NE for short) studies the following central question: How do we start from ''the meagre input'', namely, our sensory stimulation from the external world, to reach ''the torrential output'', namely, our overall scientific theories of the external world? And develops its substantial contents and further deduces a series of significant consequences. The three objections to NE, including replacement (Quine's NE is the replacement of traditional epistemology), circularity (Quine's NE is viciously circular), and non-normativity (Quine's NE is devoid of normative dimension), and Williamson's three charges to mainly Quine's brand of naturalism, are mainly due to misreading or misinterpretation, so all of them failed, and the main claims of Quine's NE are vindicated. Actually, in Quine's NE, there are many illuminating, reasonable, and valuable insights, which are worthy of further development.

Key words      Quinenaturalismnaturalized epistemologygenetic approachnon-normativity


    作者简介 陈 波,哲学博士,武汉大学人文社会科学讲席教授、哲学学院博士生导师,国际哲学院(IIP)院士,国际科学哲学院(AIPS)院士;湖北 武汉 430072

