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台湾地区马克思主义研究的多维考察发布时间:2022-04-29  点击数:753
作 者:张懿 孙熙国
摘 要:

台湾地区的马克思主义研究是中国马克思主义研究完整图景的组成部分。由于各种原因,台湾地区的马克思主义研究经历了播种萌芽——戒严时期——重新启动—— 逐渐深化的曲折发展过程。台湾地区的马克思主义研究者围绕马克思主义哲学、政治经济学和科学社会主义三大部分,就唯物辩证法、人学理论、宗教批判理论、剩余价值理论、马克思主义中国化理论和中国共产党研究等论题展开探讨,取得了一定研究成果,但也存在肢解马克思主义、误解中国化马克思主义、研究队伍薄弱等问题。海峡两岸学者应互相学习和借鉴,深化对马克思主义整体性、科学性、革命性、时代性等问题的研究,搭建交流合作、协同创新的学术平台,推动构建两岸马克思主义研究的学术共同体。  



A Multidimensional Investigation of Marxist Research In Taiwan Area

Zhang YiSun XiguoPeking University


Abstract Marxist research in Taiwan area is a necessary component of the complete picture of Chinese Marxist research. Due to historical and environmental reasons, Marxist research in Taiwan area has under‐ gone a tortuous development process from sowing and budding, to martial law, restarting and then to gradual deepening. Marxist researchers in Taiwan area focused on the three major parts of Marxist philosophy, political economy, and scientific socialism, and discussed topics such as materialist dialectics, human theory, critical theory of religion, theory of surplus value, theory of the Sinicization of Marxism, and studies on the Communist Party of China. Marxist research in Taiwan area has produced certain results, but there are also problems such as dismembering Marxism, misunderstanding Chinese Marxism, and weak research team. Scholars on both sides of the strait should learn from each other’ s strengths, deepen the research on the holistic, scientific, revolutionary, and epochal nature of Marxism, build an academic platform for exchanges, cooperation, and collaborative innovation, and promote the construction of an academic community for cross-strait Marxist research.

Key words      Taiwan areaMarxist researchsinicization of MarxismChinese Marxism


    作者简介 张 懿,法学博士,北京大学马克思主义学院讲师;北京 100871


