海外毛泽东研究领域长期存在的保守主义解读模式,寄希望获得关于毛泽东思想肖像勾画的排他性真理、在阅读方法上的经验主义幻象、研究者固守中国学研究范式而导致的理论视域“矮化”,在20 世纪90 年代遭到了新左翼学者的激烈批判。以德里克、哈里和奈特为代表的新左翼学者从马克思主义理论谱系出发,从毛泽东的思想的多元面相和复杂历史遗产出发,并且致力于突破经验主义阅读模式的限制、引入症候阅读等解释学方法来勾画毛泽东思想肖像。这些研究路径的开拓,构成了新左翼学者批判性透视毛泽东思想肖像的重要维度,也是海外毛泽东研究领域突破传统研究路径限制的一种难能可贵的理论探索。但这种理论探索在一定程度上存在着不可避免的局限性,我们应以辩证的、全面的科学态度对其加以分析和思考。
Overseas Scholars' Academic Speculations on the Portrayal Of Mao Zedong Thought
From the Debate on the Two Paths of Overseas Mao Zedong Research in the 1990s
Zhang Ming(Nanjing University)
Abstract The long-standing conservative interpretation mode in the field of overseas Mao Zedong research hopes to obtain the exclusive truth about the portrayal of Mao Zedong Thoughts, the illusion of empiricism in reading methods, and the theoretical field of vision "dwarfing" caused by the researchers' adherence to the research paradigm of Chinese studies, which was severely criticized by the New Left scholars in the 1990s. Representatives of New Left scholars, such as Dirlik, Healy, and Knight, not only positioned Mao Ze‐ dong from the perspective of the Marxist theoretical lineage and perceived Mao Zedong from multiple aspects of Mao Zedong Thought and the complex historical heritage, but also devoted themselves to breaking through the limitations of empirical reading mode and introducing such hermeneutic methods as symptom reading in order to understand Mao Zedong. The development of the above research path constitutes an important dimension for New Left scholars to have critical speculations on the portrayal of Mao Zedong Thoughts and as well as a valuable theoretical exploration to break through the limitations of traditional re‐ search path in the field of overseas Mao Zedong research. However, this theoretical exploration also has un‐ avoidable limitations to a certain extent and calls for further analyses and speculations with a dialectical and comprehensive scientific attitude.
Key words overseas Mao Zedong studies;Chinese studies;Marxism;New Left scholars
■ 作者简介 张 明,哲学博士,南京大学马克思主义学院副教授;江苏 南京 210093。