我们所处的时代是一个文化战略纷出的时代。文化在综合国力竞争中地位和作用的愈益凸显,越来越成为这个时代的鲜明标识;以战略之举激发文化活力、构建文化优势,越来越成为这个时代各国的战略抉择。在文化图强的战略推进中,文化发展越来越成为当今时代的关键概念,创新创造越来越成为各国文化战略的核心论题,文化产业越来越成为各国构筑自身文化优势的战略支点,文化遗产保护越来越成为各国谋求文化新生的重要基石,国际传播越来越成为各国展现文化魅力的普遍关注。于此之中,我们不难感受到21 世纪这一“文化世纪”生动、真切的世界文化图景,不难感受到各国围绕文化发展倾注的热忱、寄托的热望、推进的热战。把我国建设成为社会主义文化强国,需要我们锲而不舍地扎实奋斗,同时也需要我们放眼当今世界,看清文化图强的世界图景,辨大势,明潮流,从容自信,勇毅前行。对当今世界文化图景、各国文化图强方略的深度认识和准确把握,是我国建设、进而建成社会主义文化强国的重要基础性工作。
The World Picture of Cultural Empowerment
Shen Zhuanghai(Wuhan University)
Abstract We are in an era of cultural strategies emerging. The position and role of culture have been more and more prominent in the competition of comprehensive national strength, which has increasingly become a distinctive symbol of our era. Constructing cultural advantages and stimulating cultural vitality through strategic policies has gradually become a strategic choice among countries. In strategic promotion of cultural growth, culture development has become increasingly a key concept of our time. Innovation and creation are core topics of all countries' cultural strategy, and cultural industry has gradually become a strategic fulcrum for comprehensive national development advantages. Cultural heritage protection is a more and more important cornerstone of culture rebirth for all countries, and international communication increasingly draws widespread attention to show each country's glamour. From the above mentioned, it is not difficult to feel the realistic world picture of the ''cultural century'' vividly in the 21st century, and it is also easy to feel the enthusiasm, sustenance and enthusiasm of various countries around cultural development. To build our country into a socialist cultural power requires our persevere and solid struggle. At the same time, we also need to look out at the world today, pay attention to world picture on the road to cultural strength, identify the general trend, and understand the trend, so as to move forward with confidence courageously and calmly. The in-depth understanding and accurate grasp of the world cultural picture and the strengthening culture strategies of various countries is an important basic job for Chinese to build and complete a socialist cultural power.
Key words cultural power;national cultural strategy;cultural innovation;cultural industry;cultural heritage;cultural dissemination
■ 作者简介 沈壮海,法学博士,武汉大学党委副书记,武汉大学马克思主义学院院长、教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。