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经济正义视角下数据确权原则的建构性阐释发布时间:2022-03-11  点击数:
作 者:武西锋 杜宴林
摘 要:



A Constructive Interpretation of the Principle of Data Right Confirmation from the Perspective of Economics of Justice

Wu Xifeng (Criminal Investigation Police University of China, Jilin University)

Du Yanlin (Jilin University)

Abstract Digital economy is a new economic form, in which the principle of data right confirmation is undoubtedly the most essential and fundamental issue. China is undergoing a major directional change from becoming rich to common prosperity. What digital economy lacks is not economic efficiency, but social fair‐ ness and justice. Therefore, the construction of the principle of data right confirmation should be carried out under the development concept of taking the people as the center and the development strategy of common prosperity, so as to carry the pursuit of higher value. At present, many studies apply the Coase theorem mechanically, advocating that the data is confirmed based on the principle of efficiency, which will inevitably further expand the digital gap and the wealth gap. Economic justice is the value orientation of China's economic development, which will inevitably become the logical starting point for the principle of data right confirmation. Data is consumers ’ data, and empowering consumers is an inevitable inherent requirement of economic justice. The nonrivalry of data also makes it possible to separate powers and functions. As long as the data access and data use of the platform are met, consumers-own-data property will not only reduce data efficiency, but also promote wealth maximization. More importantly, it can achieve the whole social fairness and justice. Therefore, "government regulation, personal ownership, and platform use" should be the optimal choice for data right confirmation.

Key words digital economy; data right confirmation; efficiency and fairness; digital platform enterprises; common prosperity; personal information protection; platform antitrust; data right confirmation


    作者简介 武西锋,法学博士,中国刑事警察学院副教授、硕士生导师,吉林大学理论法学研究中心副研究员;辽宁 沈阳 110035杜宴林,法学博士,吉林大学法学院教授、博士生导师,吉林大学理论法学研究中心主任;吉林 长春 130012
