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基于利害相关者理论的绿色全产业链治理体系研究发布时间:2022-03-11  点击数:416
作 者:毛蕴诗 王婕
摘 要:



Research on the Green Governance System of the Whole Industrial Chain Based on the Stakeholder Rights Theory

Mao YunshiSun Yat-sen University

Wang JieJinan UniversityGuangdong Technology Financial Group Co.Ltd.


Abstract In the context of resource constraints and serious environmental pollution, green governance has become an important issue for the sustainable development of both individual enterprises and China's economy. This article takes the architectural ceramics industry in Foshan as the research object, and studies enterprises in the up-, mid- and down-stream parts of the whole industrial chain as well as stakeholders such as the government, the public etc. The findings show that the mutual green cooperation and supervision be‐ tween the actors along the industrial chain, the environmental regulation by the governments, and environ‐ mental concerns and green supervision of the public outside the industrial chain, together constitute four driving forces behind the green governance of the whole industrial chain, namely institutional regulation, and market demand, technical drivers and environmental awareness. And the actors in the industrial chain adopt regulatory responses and information disclosure to give external stakeholders feedback, finally contributing to a green governance mechanism of the whole industrial chain, in which the stakeholders participate collaboratively to promote the coordinative development of the environment, economy, and society. The green industrial chain governing and operating mechanism model constructed in this article provides an analysis framework and reference for the green governance of other industries.

Key words      green governancethe whole industrial chainstakeholdersarchitectural ceramics


    作者简介 毛蕴诗,经济学博士,中山大学管理学院教授、博士生导师;广东 广州 510275

王 婕,管理学博士,暨南大学和广东省粤科金融集团有限公司联合培养博士后;广东 广州 510623
