Research on the Impact of Labor Costs on Manufacturing Enterprise Upgrading Modes
Zhu Lan(Chinese Academy of Social Science)
Wang Yong(Peking University)
Abstract How to boost the upgrading and transformation of manufacturing firms is an important way to implement the national strategy of "building a strong manufacturing power". This paper examines how rising labor costs affect firms' choices of upgrading and the related mechanisms by using the firm-level survey data that cover the whole manufacturing sector in 20 prefectures of Guangdong Province. The following empirical results are obtained. (1) Rising labor costs significantly increase firms' probability of substituting labor with machines, but have little or no significant impact on the other modes of upgrading such as innovation, product diversification and branding. (2) Most firms choose two different modes of upgrading and correlations between different modes are generally weak. However, evidences show that automation is complementary to innovation, the building of sales network, adjustment of management mode and branding. (3) Firms' decision of automation is affected by both demand side and supply side factors. After controlling for the demand side factors, the supply side cost-compelling mechanism is still empirically significant. (4) Firms in industries that are consistent with the comparative advantage of Guangdong Province, or firms in middle- stream industries, or firms in prefectures with a higher manufacturing share or higher labor cost relative to regional factor endowment are more likely to substitute labor with machines. Our paper not only strongly sup‐ ports the main theoretical predictions of New Structural Economics, but also might help the government to formulate better industrial policies.
Key words labor costs; upgrading and transformation choice; manufacturing firm; New Structural Economics
■ 作者简介 朱 兰,经济学博士,中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所助理研究员;北京100871;王勇(通讯作者),经济学博士,北京大学新结构经济学研究院副教授、博士生导师;北京100871。