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论辛弃疾词意象的创新性和交融性发布时间:2022-03-11  点击数:
作 者:陶文鹏
摘 要:

辛弃疾词的意象富于创新性,这源于他的卓荦奇才和灵心妙思。他营造意象 既有细致入微的观察,又有敏锐独到的感受,更擅长飞腾起想象和幻想的翅膀。他巧妙运用社会意象来表现自然意象,或反过来用自然意象表现社会意象。他使两大类意象紧密结合, 互相映衬。他与鸥鹭结为盟友,共同演出了饶有诗情画意理趣的连续剧。辛弃疾为了营造新鲜的有交融性的意象,锐意创新,不倦地实践以诗文为词,向多种文体广泛吸取艺术营养,变北宋词的就景叙情即事叙景,为南宋及其后词作提供了重要的启示。  


The Innovation and Blending of the Images in Xin Qiji's Ci

Tao WenpengChinese Academy of Social Sciences

Abstract The image of Xin Qiji's ci (a poetic style in China) is full of innovation, which echoes his brilliant talent and ingenious thinking. His creation of images embodies that he has both meticulous observa‐ tions and keen and unique feelings, and that he is better at flying the wings of imagination and fantasy. He us‐ es social images skillfully to express natural images, or in turn uses natural images to express social images. He combines the two kinds of images closely and makes them work for each other. He has formed an alliance with the gull heron and co-performed the poetic and picturesque series. Xin Qiji practiced poetry as ci tireless‐ ly, absorbed artistic nutrition extensively from a variety of literary styles, and changed the "narration of scenery" of ci in the Northern Song dynasty into "narration of events" in order to create fresh and blending images.  His poetic style has provided valuable inspirations  for the creation of ci  in Southern Song dynasty and  its later periods.

Key words      Xin QijiimageSouthern Song ciJiaxuan ci


■作者简介:陶文鹏,中国社会科学院文学所研究员;北京 100732。 

