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唐五代夔、归二州贬流官考发布时间:2022-03-11  点击数:
作 者:尚永亮
摘 要:

唐五代三百馀年贬流夔、归二州官员可考者27 人,其中夔州18 人,归州9 人。以时段多寡论,德宗朝6 人,玄宗、宪宗朝各4 人,穆宗、文宗、昭宗朝各2 人,高宗、武周、睿、代、宣、僖、后蜀后主诸朝各1 人。由此见其时空变化:初盛唐为夔州独盛期(7 人中占6 人), 中唐为归州反超期(13 人中占7 人),晚唐五代为夔州复升期(7 人中占5 人)。以谪罚性质论, 贬24 人,流放、安置及官职不明者3 人。以贬后任职论,刺史、长史及节度使14 人,司马、司户、折冲7 人,丞、尉3 人。以诗文创作论,唐次、窦常、刘禹锡、袁循、朱朴、欧阳彬诸人均有诗文传世,就中尤以刘禹锡、窦常知名。


An Investigation of the Exiled and Degraded Officials At Kuizhou and Guizhou from Tang to Five Dynasties

Shang YongliangWuhan University

Abstract From Tang to Five Dynasties for more than three hundred years, the knowable number of people who had been degraded or exiled to Kuizhou and Guizhou was 27, among which 18 were from Kui‐ zhou and 9 were from Guizhou. In terms of time, there were 6 in the Dezong period, 4 people each in the Xu‐anzong and Xianzong periods, 2 people each in the Muzong, Wenzong and Zhaozong periods,1 person each  in the Gaozong, Empress Wu, Ruizong , Daizong , Xuanzong, Xizong periods and the period of last emperor of Later Shu. This shows the temporal and spatial changes: the early Tang Dynasty was the period of Kui Zhou's unique prosperity (6 out of 7), the middle Tang Dynasty was the period of Gui Zhou's transcendence  (7 out of 13), and the late Tang Dynasty was the period of Kui Zhou's resurgence (5 out of 7). To types of pun‐ ishment, 24 people were degraded in rank, and 3 people were exiled, resettled or unclear about their official position. In terms  of official positions after being degraded, there were 14 Ci Shi,Zhang Shi or Jie Dushi7 Si Ma, Si Hu or Zhe Chongand 3 Cheng or Wei. With regard to the creation of poetry and prose, many officials, such as Tang Ci, Dou Chang, Liu Yuxi, Yuan Xun, Zhu Pu and Ouyang Bin, have left some literary works, among whom Liu Yuxi and Dou Chang are especially famous..

Key words      KuizhouGuizhouTang and Five Dynastiesexiled official


    作者简介 尚永亮,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
