马克思与德国浪漫派思想的关联越来越为学界关注,这为我们进一步厘清马 克思思想的来源以及理解马克思创立新哲学的问题意识和思想契机提供了新视角。就此而言,德国浪漫派的反讽思想可以成为我们理解马克思早期思想产生和发展的一个重要切入点。面对启蒙思想对世界的祛魅,德国浪漫派希图借助反讽思想来重新为人唤回精神和神性,但因反讽思想的内在矛盾而陷入了理论困境。在继承黑格尔改造德国浪漫派理论的基础上,马克思取消了作为人类精神异化的绝对精神,将人的主体性提升到至高无上的地位, 实现了反讽思想从否定性的“消灭”向肯定性的“创造”的倒转,不但化解了德国浪漫派反讽思想的理论困境,而且为反讽思想的现实化找到了“无产阶级”这一积极的革命力量。
From "Annihilation"to "Creation": Marx's Inversion Of The German Romanticism's Irony
Chen YanBo,Chen Mo(Guizhou University)
Abstract The relationship between Marx and German Romanticism has increasingly attracted scholars' attention, which provides a new horizon for us to further clarify the source of Marx' thoughts and understand the problem awareness and thought opportunity of Marx' founding of his new philosophy. In this regard, the German Romantic concept of "irony" can be an important entry for us to understand the rise and development of Marx' early thoughts. Faced with the "disenchantment" of the world by Enlightenment, German Romanticism tried to use "irony" to recall spirit and divinity for man and the world, but they got into a dilemma because of the inherent theoretical contradictions of "irony". On the basis of inheriting Hegel's theory of trans‐ forming German Romanticism, Marx abolished the "absolute spirit" as the alienation of human spirit, promoted human subjectivity to the supreme position, and realized the reversal of irony from negative "elimination" to positive "creation", which has not only solved the theoretical dilemma of German Romanticism, but also found the proletariat as a positive revolutionary force for the realization of irony.
Key words Marx;German Romanticism;irony;proletarian
■ 作者简介 陈艳波,哲学博士,贵州大学哲学与社会发展学院教授、博士生导师,贵州省中国共产党人“心学”与推进党的建设新的伟大工程高端智库研究员;贵州 贵阳 550025;