李斯特批评斯密的政治经济学并不符合“德国的实际”,主张以“德国的实际” 抵抗“英国的理论”,希望建构一种科学的“国家经济学”以抵抗斯密的“世界主义经济学”。然而马克思认为,李斯特的国家经济学貌似具有科学性,但归根到底还是一种“庸俗的”政治经济学,他主张以“无产阶级的实践”超越“德国的实际”与“德国的理论”之间的“时代错乱”。马克思的政治经济学不仅揭示并批判了斯密和李嘉图政治经济学的阶级实质,还为资产阶级社会构造了一个“特殊的逻辑”,进而为后发展国家的革命性赶超提供了科学的方案。马克思政治经济学不仅是批判的,更是科学的。
On the Difficulty about the Scientificity of Political Economics
From Smith,List to Marx
Wang Shizhong(Nankai University)
Abstract List criticized Smith's economics for its discrepancy from the realty of Germany and claimed for a new economics against the England Economics. Marx held that the Economics of List was a Vulgar Economics and should be replaced by a new economics transcending the reality and the theory of the current Germany. Not only did Marx' political economics disclose and criticize the class nature of the two economics, but also constructed a special logic for the bourgeois society. He offered a scientific project to catch and overtake the advanced country for the advancing country. Marx' political economics was not only critical but also scientific.
Key words the political economics;national economics;economics with cosmopolitanism;Adam Smith;Friedrich List;Marx
■ 作者简介 王时中,哲学博士,南开大学哲学院教授、博士生导师;天津 300350。