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论政治经济学的科学性疑难——从斯密、李斯特到马克思发布时间:2022-03-11  点击数:
作 者:王时中
摘 要:



On the Difficulty about the Scientificity of Political Economics

From SmithList to Marx

Wang ShizhongNankai University

Abstract List criticized Smith's economics for its discrepancy from the realty of Germany and claimed for a new economics against the England Economics. Marx held that the Economics of List was a Vulgar Economics and should be replaced by a new economics transcending the reality and the theory of the current Germany. Not only did Marx' political economics disclose and criticize the class nature of the two economics, but also constructed a special logic for the bourgeois society. He offered a scientific project to catch and overtake the advanced country for the advancing country. Marx' political economics was not only critical but also scientific.

Key words      the political economicsnational economicseconomics with cosmopolitanismAdam SmithFriedrich ListMarx


    作者简介 王时中,哲学博士,南开大学哲学院教授、博士生导师;天津 300350

