The Ontological Implication of Big Data
Wang Tianen(Shanghai University)
Abstract As the product of the development of information digital coding, big data presents an information world different from the material world as a whole. As an informational existence different from the material existence, big data has important ontological implications. Big data means the upgrading of existence, as it increasingly exists not only in the form of data networks, but also by enabling things to exist on‐ line. The upgrade of existence has been bring by big data means the expansion from the material world to the data world, the network integration of informational and material existence, the promotion of higher dimensions of existence process and its grasp, and the integration of information levels of the existence and development of human and the outside world. Based on the big data form of information existence, we can not only get the big data view of the evolution of the meaning of ontology from ontology to existence, but also see from ontology to existentialism, from entity existentialism to relational existentialism, from the existence of the most basic matter to the existence of the highest level of human beings, and even from the "existence" to "nonexistence". Moreover, we can see the future dimension of existence, so as to see the deeper correlation between ontology and human existence and development on the basis of big data, and see the anthropological implication of ontology at a deeper level.
Key words big data;ontology;information encoding;existentialist implication
■ 作者简介 王天恩,哲学博士,上海大学哲学系教授、博士生导师,上海大学伟长学者;上海 200444。