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后扶贫时代农村社会政策与相对贫困问题发布时间:2022-01-04  点击数:
作 者:桂华
摘 要:

改革开放以来,我国反贫困工作取得了巨大的成就,消除绝对贫困之后,发展 不平衡的矛盾会以新的形式表现出来。运用社会政策来扶持救助困难群体,体现出政府在二次分配中的作用。与保持自由竞争和发挥活力的经济政策不同,社会政策追求社会公平, 其目标是消除差距、减少分化、避免极化,维持社会稳定和促进包容式发展。未来的农村社会政策,一方面要尊重市场规律,发挥社会主义市场体制的优势,另一方面要通过赋权、建设公平的制度建设和兜底救助手段来降低农民面临的生产生活风险,在发展中兼顾公平。


Rural Social Policy in the Post-poverty Alleviation Era And Relative Poverty Research

Gui Hua (Wuhan University)


Abstract Since the reform and opening up, our country's anti-poverty work has made great achievements. After the elimination of absolute poverty, the contradictions of uneven development will appear in new forms. The use of social policies to support the needy groups reflects the government's role in secondary distribution. Different from economic policies that maintain free competitions and vitality, social policies pursue social fairness with the goal of eliminating gaps, reducing differentiation, avoiding polarization, maintaining social stability and promoting inclusive development. It is necessary for the future rural social policies to respect the laws of the market and give full play to the advantages of the socialist market system on the one hand,, and to take into account fairness in development and reduce the production and life risks faced by farmers through empowerment, fair system construction, and relief measures on the other.

Key words      post-poverty alleviation era; poverty relief; rural social policy; rural revitalization; relative poverty; peasant revenue increment


    作者简介 桂 华,社会学博士,武汉大学社会学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072

