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移动互联网时代著作权专有许可限制规则释疑发布时间:2022-01-04  点击数:
作 者:熊琦
摘 要:



Copyright Exclusive License and Its Controversies In the Era of Internet

Xiong Qi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract  Copyright exclusive license has been broadly accepted in China copyright market, but it was defined as a disruption of market order and refused by the administrative department. Whether exclusive li‐ cense should be restricted and how to restrict are now discussed on legislative level. However, there are no rules in current copyright law or antitrust law that can be used to restrict copyright exclusive license as adopted by copyright owners and internet service providers in the present situation. As the outcome of exclusive rights, exclusive license has its advantages on transaction security and efficiency, which is the reason to re‐ place collective license in a certain scope. Meanwhile, communication technology restrains the disadvantage that exclusive license use to have. Whether China should borrow external exclusive license law or implement a forced recognition of contract and misused operation of market encounters double obstacles in the legal sys‐ tem and business mode in our country. Therefore, copyright exclusive license should not be considered to be restricted whether by current law system or administration.

Key words      copyright license; exclusive license; illegal collective management; transaction costs; competition order; antitrust


    作者简介 熊 琦,法学博士,华中科技大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430074

