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《个人信息保护法》中“知情同意条款”的出罪功能发布时间:2022-01-04  点击数:
作 者:李立丰
关键词:《个人信息保护法》;隐私政策;知情同意原则;出罪事由;网络平台刑事合规; 信息网络犯罪;个人信息自决权;移动应用程序
摘 要:

《个人信息保护法》明确的知情同意原则是事先预防型个人信息保护机制的重要体现。在对知情同意原则加以合理完善的基础上,可将以移动应用程序APP)隐私政策为代表的告知同意条款,视为个人信息处理者与个人信息主体之间达成的合意,而这种合意与刑法中作为出罪事由的被害人同意之间存在实质契合关系。在刑事合规的语境下, 个人信息处理者应对隐私政策文本作出调整,以保障用户的知情权。针对可能给个人信息背后的多重法益带来风险的处理行为,个人信息处理者必须告知用户相关行为及伴随的风险并征求用户同意,借此完成从单纯的个人信息保护原则向个人信息保护与利用之平衡原则的转变,同时帮助个人信息处理者规避侵犯公民个人信息等刑事责任。


The Decriminalized Function of "Informed Consent Clause" In the Personal Information Protection Law

Li Lifeng (Jilin University)


Abstract   The principle of informed consent as specified in the Personal Information Protection Law   is an important embodiment of the preventive personal information protection mechanism. Taking the person‐ al information processing subject represented by APP as an example, the privacy policy on the basis of reasonably improving the principle of informed consent can be regarded as the agreement between the personal information processor and the personal information subject, which could also be regarded as the substantial agreement with the victim's consent in the criminal law. In the context of criminal compliance, the personal information processor should adjust the privacy policy text to protect the user's right to know. For the processing behavior that will bring risks to the multiple legal interests behind personal information, the user must be informed of the behavior and the accompanying risks and be asked for his/her consent so as to complete the transformation from the simple principle of personal information protection to the principle of balance be‐ tween personal information protection and utilization. The improved informed consent clause can be consistent with the victim's consent principle and help personal information processors avoid criminal responsibility for infringing on citizens' personal information.

Key words  Personal Information Protection Law; privacy policy; the principle of informed consent;   the decriminalized cause of the crime; criminal compliance of infor provider; cyber crime; right to self-determination of personal information; APP


    作者简介 李立丰,法学博士,吉林大学法学理论研究中心教授,吉林大学法学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春130012
