Out-group Discrimination and Migrant Workers' Entrepreneurship
Zhou Zhanqiang,Li Bin,Yi Chengdong(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Abstract Based on the data of dynamic monitoring survey of the migrant population in China, the relationship between out-group discrimination against migrant workers and their entrepreneurship is examined. Results show that out-group discrimination has a negative influence on the probability of migrant workers' entrepreneurship. The mechanism contributing to this influence is that out-group discrimination reduces migrant workers' accumulation of social capital and human capital, social respect for them decreases and as a result their entrepreneurship is inhibited. Out-group discrimination exerts an inhibiting influence on the entrepreneurship of both employers and self-employed workers, but with a more inhibiting effect on the former. More‐ over, there is a more negative effect of the discrimination on the entrepreneurship of migrant workers born after 1979, moving between two provinces, and working in the eastern region. The policy-makers in immigrating cities should take various steps to decrease the out-group discrimination against migrant workers, establish a fair market environment, and stimulate the vitality of their entrepreneurship.
Key words migrant workers;out-group discrimination;social capital;human capital;social respect;urban entrepreneurship
■ 作者简介 周战强,经济学博士,中央财经大学经济学院教授、博士生导师;北京 102206;