A Semantic Analysis of Wittgenstein's Concept of "Right": Of Cognition, of Logic, of Words and Deeds
Liu Qingping(Fudan University)
Abstract In his early and later philosophies, Wittgenstein discusses the issue of the "right" of cognition, logic, words and deeds from different aspects. However, he does not strictly define or analyze the different senses of the three kinds of ''right'', but often confuses them and thus results in some theoretical misunderstandings and distortions. From the perspective of philosophical analysis, the key to distinguishing the subtle similarities and differences and interactive relations among the three kinds of ''right'' lies in the identification of their specific standards to which they are required to conform, respectively. The cognitive rightness lies in the conformity to "facts", the logical rightness to "rules", and the rightness of words and deeds to "norms".
Key words Wittgenstein;true;false;truth;cognition;logic;words and deeds
■ 作者简介 刘清平,哲学博士,复旦大学社会科学高等研究院教授,武汉传媒学院人文学院教授;上海 200433。