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知识与理解:何者具有最终的价值——评普理查德的认知价值论发布时间:2022-01-04  点击数:
作 者:陈嘉明
摘 要:



Which One Possesses the Final ValueKnowledge or Understanding

Comment on Richard's Theory of Cognitive Value


Chen JiamingShanghai Jiao Tong University


Abstract Pritchard hopes to use the concept of "understanding" to explain the issue of cognitive value. When he denies that knowledge has the ultimate value and argues that only understanding has this value, the key to his argument is to deny that knowledge is equivalent to cognitive achievement and assert that only understanding is essentially a cognitive achievement. Therefore, knowledge actually does not have unique value; only understanding has the unique and ultimate value. Some scholars have  raised  objections  to  Pritchard’ s above-mentioned viewpoints, arguing that some understandings do not have that kind of cognitive achievement, or claiming that knowledge and understanding possess the same kind of cognitive value. This paper believes that there seems to be some unexplained, untenable, and even contradictory points in Pritchard's argument. For example, Pritchard draws the general conclusion that knowledge is not a kind of achievement on the basis of the existence of some particular cases in which cognizers have knowledge but do not show the corresponding cognitive achievement. This is a partial generalization, however.

Key words      understanding; knowledge; cognitive achievement; epistemic value


    作者简介 陈嘉明,哲学博士,上海交通大学人文学院教授、博士生导师;上海 200240
