A General Survey of the Theoretical Nature Of Adorno's "Negative Dialectics"
Bu Xiangji(Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Zhu Libing(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Abstract There are two completely different approaches in the examination of the theoretical nature of Adorno's "Negative Dialectics" based on Marx's dialectics. The viewpoint of intellectual reflection insists on the comparative analysis of externality and fragmentation and is committed to exploring the similarities and contradictions between Marx's dialectics and Adorno's negative dialectics so as to present the theoretical contributions and limitations of Adorno's negative dialectics. However, the overall nature of Adorno's dialectics in this approach has disappeared. In order to properly treat the theoretical contribution, the limitation and its internal connection of negation dialectics, we have to examine Adorno's negative dialectics from the overall point of view of dialectics, put ourselves in the new situation that Adorno faces in the monopoly capitalist society, and consider the resulting general problems of his theory. Only then can Adorno's negative dialectics be regarded as a complete theoretical totality and present its overall nature accordingly. We will also discover the limitations of Adorno's negative dialectics as commonly understood, and this is precisely where its ideological innovation lies.
Key words Adorno;"negative dialectics";aesthetic salvation;revolutionary discourse;revolutionary dialectics;historical materialism
■ 作者简介 卜祥记,哲学博士,上海交通大学马克思主义经济哲学研究院特聘教授、博士生导师;上海 200240;朱利兵,上海财经大学人文学院博士研究生;上海 200433。