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中国社会保障的制度变迁——以 1997、2008 年经济危机为关键节点的考察发布时间:2019-10-30  点击数:
作 者:林闽钢 霍萱
摘 要:

关键节点对制度变迁意义重大,是当今历史制度主义的核心议题。考察 1997 年亚洲金融危机和 2008 年世界经济危机冲击下中国社会保障制度变迁的急速性以及社会保障对国有企业改革和经济发展方式转变的及时回应表明,两次经济危机成为社会保障加速发展的重要时间窗口,导致中国社会保障制度变迁的加速转型和加速调整。未来中国社会保障发展应以社会投资战略为核心,促进中国社会保障制度的结构性升级,使其成为主动推动经济整体发展的有效系统。


nstitutional Evolution of Social Security System in China

Taking the 1997 and 2008 Economic Crises as Critical Junctures

Lin Mingang, Huo Xuan (Nanjing University)

Abstract “Critical juncture” is of great significance for institutional changes and is a key issue in histor- ical institutionalism. This paper examines the “swiftness” of the institutional changes of social security system in China and the timely response of China’s social security system to state-owned enterprise reforms and trans- formation of economic development mode, under the impact of the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2008 world economic crisis, respectively. It was found that the two crises have become important opportunity win- dows for the rapid development of China’s social security system, leading to its accelerated transformation and adjustment. The future direction of the development of China’s social security system should focus on social investment strategies, and upgrade the whole system structurally, so as to promote the overall development of the economy effectively.

Key words China’s social security system; institutional change; economic crisis; impact-response; so- cial investment


     作者简介 林闽钢,社会学博士,南京大学政府管理学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 210023。霍 萱,南京大学政府管理学院博士研究生。
