《民法典婚姻家庭编(草案)》是对现行《婚姻法》《收养法》及其司法解释的规整,其制度变革主要集中在结婚、收养尤其是离婚部分。然而该草案在体系上具有浓厚的法律汇编印记;在内容上并未广泛吸收和采纳司法实践中行之有效的规定;在立法价值理念上亦未完全体现 21 世纪现代婚姻法的发展趋势。《民法典婚姻家庭编(草案)》应当增加未成年人最大利益原则,展示现代婚姻法的价值理念,吸纳行之有效的司法解释并借鉴比较法上的成熟立法,以实现婚姻家庭法编立法的体系化与科学性。
On the System, Content and Perfection of “Marriage and Family Law (Draft)”
Ran Keping (Wuhan University)
Abstract The Civil Code of Marriage and Family (Draft) is a regulation that compiles with the current Marriage Law and Adoption Law, and its institutional reforms mainly focus on marriage, adoption, and espe- cially divorce. However, the draft has a strong imprint of legal compilation on the system, the content has not incorporated the current effective judicial interpretation, and the legislative value concept does not fully reflect the developing trend of modern marriage law in the 21st century. Marriage and family law should maintain the existing “general principle-specific rule” structure, integrate the principle of the best interests of minors, demonstrate the value concept of modern marriage law, absorb effective judicial interpretation and learn from the mature legislation of comparative law so as to achieve the systematization and scientificity of marriage and family legislation.
Key words Marriage and Family Law; system structure; value concept; freedom of marriage; revocable marriage
■ 作者简介 冉克平,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。