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近代中国社会立法与福利国家的建构发布时间:2019-10-30  点击数:
作 者:聂鑫
摘 要:

政府主导的社会救济体制在中国有着悠久的历史,而古代中国早熟的官僚体制为荒政的落实提供了必要条件。无独有偶,在 16-18 世纪的德语国家,社会救济的责任也由教会转移给了政府;在以普鲁士为代表的福利国家的建构过程中,官僚体系也逐渐成熟壮大。近代中国遭遇了严重的自然灾害与战乱,社会救济刻不容缓;政府也以复兴中国传统的“大同”理想为号召,部分移植了以德国为代表的西方社会福利制度。在近代中国转型的过程   中,社会立法蓬勃发展,社会福利由消极的临时性赈济变为积极的常态化救济,由在上者单方面的“恩赐”转变为国家的责任与人民的权利。社会立法是中国近代国家建构的一个组成部分,中德两国在福利国家模式上的类似选择源于自身的政治体制与文化传统。


Social Legislation and Construction of Welfare State in Modern China

Nie Xin (Tsinghua University)

Abstract It was a tradition for the government to control the public relief in ancient China, and the developed bureaucratic system could implement the famine policy effectively. A similar case could be found in German-speaking countries from 16th to 18th century, where the states’ administrative apparatus developed and solidified in the process of the construction of the Prussian social welfare state. In modern China pre 1949, there was serious famine and the public relief was very urgent, so the Chinese government declared that it would revive the traditional ideal of “Great Harmony” and transplanted the western social welfare institutions. In the process of modern transformation, the social institution has been growing vigorously and the social welfare policy has transformed from passive temporary relief to a positive permanent system, from the favor of the ruler to the state task and human right. Social legislation is part of the construction of modern Chinese state. The selection of a similar paradigm of welfare state in China and Germany originates from their own political systems and cultural traditions.

Key words bureaucratic state; paternalism; public relief; state task; legislative transformation; the period of the Republic of China; Germany


     作者简介 鑫,法学博士,清华大学法学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100084
