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《克罗茨纳赫笔记》的历史学研究及其思想史意义发布时间:2019-10-30  点击数:
作 者:邓安琪 卜祥记
摘 要:

对马克思《克罗茨纳赫笔记》这一早期文本,国内外学界并没有给予应有的重视,在既有的研究中也存在着过分拔高或贬低其思想史地位两种倾向。从马克思早期思想的转变这一思想史课题出发,我们应该看到:不能过高估计《克罗茨纳赫笔记》在马克思思想发展史中的地位,但这绝不意味着可以忽视这一早期文本在马克思思想转变历程中的重要作用。《克罗茨纳赫笔记》的历史学研究本质上从属于马克思对“市民社会和国家关系问题” 的考察,并因此蕴含着马克思哲学唯物主义立场转变的基因。同时,这一研究促使了马克思对黑格尔法哲学体系中关于国家和法律问题的立场的批判与质疑,并逐渐发现资产阶级政治解放的历史真相,从而为向共产主义政治立场的转变奠定了思想基础。对这一历史学文本及其思想史意义的研究,应当被看作考察马克思早期思想转变历程、弥合所谓“青年马克思”    与“成熟马克思”断裂的重要一环。此外,这一笔记也表明,马克思早期思想的转变并非简单的是费尔巴哈哲学外部影响的结果。



The Historical Study on Kreuznach Notebooks and Its Ideological Significance

Deng Anqi, Bu Xiangji (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

Abstract As one of the early texts written by Marx, Kreuznach Notebooks has not yet been fully recognized in the academic circles at home and abroad. In the existing research, there are two tendencies with either excessively high or excessively devalued opinions on this work. From the perspective of the transformation of Marx’s early thoughts, we find it impossible to overestimate the position of Kreuznach Notebooks in the development of Marx’s thoughts, but we should not ignore the important role of this early text in the transformation of Marx’s thoughts. The historical study on Kreuznach Notebooks is essentially subordinated to Marx’s investigation of “civil society and state relations”, thus containing the genes of the transformation of Marx’s materialist stand. At the same time, the study has prompted Marx to criticize and question the position of Hegel’s legal philosophy on national and legal issues, and gradually discovered the historical truth of bourgeois political emancipation, thus providing the theoretical foundation for his transition to the communist political position. The study of this historical text and its ideological significance should be regarded as an important part of investigating the transformation of Marx’s early thoughts and bridging the so-called “Young Marx” and “Mature Marx”. In addition, this work also shows that the transformation of Marx’s early ideas was not simply the result of the external influence of Feuerbach’s philosophy.

Key words         Kreuznach Notebooks; philosophical criticism; political stand; Marx’s early thoughts


     作者简介    邓安琪,上海财经大学人文学院博士研究生;上海 200433

