新中国成立 70 年来,政治哲学经历了一个从无到有、从相对寂寥到不断勃兴、从尝试性探索到多样化推进的发展过程。梳理这一过程的不同阶段可知,中国的政治哲学是在学术观念的变革和现实社会的变迁中发育、生长、发展、壮大的。这也决定了政治哲学研究只有确立起“中国化”范式并在理论上切实地探索、解答改革开放的历史实践和历史进程所给出的重大现实和理论问题,才能够真正在获得自我奠基的基础上走向成熟。而中国的政治哲学研究要继续彰显其时代使命和生命力,则需要关注人类共同利益,为打造人类命运共同体提供思想智慧,同时又需要着力构建本土政治哲学,增强理论自信与学术自信。
The Development of Political Philosophy in the Past 70 Years since the Founding of New China
Li Dianlai (Wuhan University)
Abstract In the past 70 years since the founding of New China, political philosophy has experienced a development process from silence to prosperity, from tentative exploration to diversification. This process demonstrates that the development of Chinese political philosophy is connected to the change of academic concepts and the transformation of society. In order to continue to show its mission and vitality, the research of political philosophy needs to focus on the common interests of mankind and provide intellectual wisdom for building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind. Meanwhile, it also needs to focus on constructing political philosophy and enhance theoretical and academic confidence.
Key words New China; political philosophy; Reform and Opening-up; the 21st century
■ 作者简介 李佃来,哲学博士,武汉大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。