Research on the Normative Construction of “Consent” Rules in Personal Information Protection
Lu Qing (Zhejiang University)
Abstract The consent of the data subject is one of the legal justifications for the collection and use of personal information, which may not only be seen as fulfillment of contractual obligations, but also exclude the unlawfulness of the commercial use by others, reflecting the positive and negative control of the subject on his personal information. Since the consent has a legal nature as manifestation of will, the normative rules of consent may be based on the rules of manifestation of will, consisting of the form of the manifestation (either explicit or implicit, while silence generally may not be seen as an effective manifestation of will) and the substantive requirements of the will (private autonomy, informed consent and protection of the party in a weak position). A “one-size-fits-all” solution for the collection and use of information seems arguable, whether it requires a prior (explicit) consent of the data subject or an implicit consent suffices for the use of general information. The exceptions to the rules of informed consent need to be reconsidered as it goes beyond the reach of the consent rules when the personal information being collected and used is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract.
Key words right of personal information; data protection; consent rule; manifestation of the will; the era of big data; emerging right
■ 作者简介 陆 青,法学博士,浙江大学光华法学院副教授;浙江 杭州 310005。