改革开放催生了经济刑法并使之成为一个重要的刑法理论研究领域。梳理 40 年来经济刑法学研究的渊源流变和学术积累,可以管窥其起步、繁荣和不断深入的演变。在肯定经济刑法研究取得丰硕成果的同时,我们需要正视经济刑法研究中存在的问题,即经济刑法基础理论的学理根基不足,理论尚缺乏学科独立的自信和学界的认同。展望未来,经济刑法应该成为新时代刑法理论研究重点关注的领域。经济刑法研究本身也需要因应时代的变革,处理好消化吸收与理论创新的关系,建构基础意义的经济刑法理论范畴,形成脉络清晰的经济刑法学知识体系。
A Review of the Basic Theory of Economic Criminal Law since Reform and Opening-up
Sun Guoxiang (Nanjing University)
Abstract The reform and opening-up has given birth to economic criminal law, which has become an important field of criminal law theory. A review of the origin, evolution and academic accumulation of economic criminal law in the past forty years enables us to see its beginning, prosperity and continuous evolution. While recognizing the fruitful results of economic criminal law research, it is necessary for us to face the insufficiency of the basic theory of economic criminal law, such as the lack of self-reliance and academic identification as an independent discipline. In the new era, economic criminal law should be the focus of attention in the study of criminal law, dealing with the relationship between the transplantation of foreign legal theory and theoretical innovation, constructing the fundamental thesis, and forming a clear knowledge system of economic criminal law.
Key words economic criminal law; economic crime; collective legal theory; basic legal theory of criminal law; the New Era; reform and opening-up
■ 作者简介 孙国祥,南京大学法学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 210093。