《论衡》作为汉代文化史上具有标志性意义的名著,内容丰赡,视野宏阔,思辨精深,论说明朗。其中,涉及海洋的内容,以越人重视海洋开发的传统为基础,亦以战国秦汉时期海洋探索及早期海洋知识积累为文化背景,具有重要的价值;涉及海洋气象知识、海洋水文知识、海洋生物知识的论说,亦开启了我们认识汉代海洋学的视窗。而作者王充因出生与长久居留地方的滨海环境生成的海洋情结以及体现出的开放、进取和重实学的海洋意识, 也值得予以总结和说明。考察汉代的海洋文化,不能忽略《论衡》这部著作,也不能忽略王充这位思想家。
The Ocean Discussion of “On Balance”and Wang Chong’s Ocean Complex
Wang Zijin (Renmin University of China)
Abstract “On Balance” is a famous and significant book in the cultural history of the Han Dynasty, with rich content, broad vision and deep speculation. The content about the ocean is based on the tradition of Yue people attaching importance to marine development as well as on the marine exploration and early marine knowledge accumulation in the Qin and Han dynasties as the cultural background. The discussion of marine meteorological knowledge, ocean hydrology knowledge, and marine life knowledge has opened up a window into our understanding of oceanography in the Han Dynasty. The author of the book—Wang Chong’s marine complex derived from the coastal environment of his birth and long-term residence, as well as from the ocean consciousness that reflects an open mind, enterprising consciousness and practical concept. The investigation of the marine culture of the Han Dynasty cannot ignore the work of “On Balance” or the thought of Wang Chong.
Key words Wang Chong; “On balance”; marine complex; ocean consciousness; ocean culture
■ 作者简介 王子今,中国人民大学一级教授、国学院博士生导师,中国人民大学出土文献与中国古代文明研究协同创新中心教授,重庆师范大学特聘教授;北京100872。