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“政治哲学”何以成为问题发布时间:2019-08-30  点击数:585
作 者:李义天
摘 要:

作为当前学界的热门领域,政治哲学引起了学界广泛的讨论和关注。围绕“何为政治哲学”问题,学者们已经给出诸多回答并形成一定共识。然而,政治哲学之所以作为问 题被提出,却是现代哲学的内部分化以及哲学方法与科学方法之间的对立分野所致。因此,对“何为政治哲学”的不同回答,不仅取决于对“何为哲学”的不同理解,而且取决于对“何为 政治科学”的不同理解。来自哲学内部和外部的复杂变化,使得“政治哲学”成为一个并非自 明的知识类型而亟待划界和澄清。但无论采取何种定义,“规范性”依然构成政治哲学的概念 “硬核”。对“规范”的诉求,促成了当代政治哲学的自我确证和不断推广,激发了现代社会成员对自身生存境遇的自我审视和重新反思。


Why “Political Philosophy” Becomes a Question

Li Yitian (Tsinghua University)

Abstract As a hot issue in contemporary academia, Political Philosophy has aroused considerable attention and discussion. Scholars have provided lots of answers to the question, “What is Philosophy?”, and made a certain kind of consensus about it. However, it is the differentiation within modern philosophy and the rivalry between philosophical methods and scientific ones that make political philosophy questionable. Therefore, the different answers to “What is Philosophy”, depend not only on the different understandings about “What is Philosophy”, but on the different interpretations of “What is Political Science”. The complexities and changes within and/or outside philosophy make political philosophy so blurred that it has to be clarified and defined clearly. Despite the various definitions, the hard core of political philosophy is “normativity”. It is the appeals of normativity that require the justification of contemporary political philosophy and promote the reflection and revisit on the public living conditions by members in modern society.

Key words political philosophy; political science; normativity


作者简介 李义天,哲学博士,清华大学高校德育研究中心教授、博士生导师,清华大学道德与宗教研究院研究员, 中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设中心研究员;北京 100084。
