乡村振兴的主体是组织起来的农民。将农民组织起来的最重要制度基础是农民集体土地制度及建立在该制度基础之上的农民集体经济。借鉴同为土地公有制的国有农场经营体制的经验,借助农村土地“三权分置”的制度设计,恢复农村集体土地的生产资料性 质,有望同时解决当前农村土地细碎化与农民难以组织起来的两大困境,从而为乡村振兴提 供组织条件。
Rural Revitalization and Rural Collective Economy
He Xuefeng (Wuhan University)
Abstract: The main body of rural revitalization is organized farmers. The most important institutional basis for organizing farmers is the collective land system and collective economics based on the collective land system. The nature of the production materials for restoring rural collective land can be considered in two aspects. One is the experience of the state-owned farms in the public ownership system, and the other is the system design of the ``three powers separation'' in rural areas. A full consideration of these two aspects may help resolve two major difficulties, including the current rural land fragmentation and the difficulty of organizing farmers, thereby providing organizational conditions for rural revitalization.
Key words: rural revitalization; collective economy; land system; farmer organization
■作者简介 贺雪峰,法学博士,武汉大学社会学系教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。