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居民个体收入、主观幸福感及影响机制发布时间:2019-06-26  点击数:
作 者:高启杰 费佐兰
摘 要:

收入对居民主观幸福感有着关键的影响作用,但其影响机制仍需要研究和识别。利用 2017 年北京市 16个区 1070名居民的调查数据,构建有调节的中介模型,可以分析 居民个体收入对主观幸福感的影响机制。结果显示,个体收入显著地正向影响主观幸福感, 对低收入组的影响程度大于高收入组;个体收入显著地正向影响收入效用,而个体收入效用 显著地正向影响主观幸福感且在收入影响幸福感的过程中发挥完全中介作用;个体收入偏 好显著地负向影响个体收入效用和主观幸福感且在收入影响幸福感的过程中起间接调节作 用。因此,要提高居民主观幸福感,可从宏观和微观层面着手,提高居民可支配收入,加强社 会各界的宣传,引导居民重视精神生活,实现居民美好生活的目的。 


Individual Income, Subjective Well-being and Its Influencing Mechanism

Gao Qijie, Fei Zuolan (China Agricultural University)

Abstract This paper builds a moderated mediation model for analysis by using the survey data of 1070 residents in 16 districts of Beijing in 2017. Results show that residents' individual income exerts a significantly positive influence on residents' subjective well-being, and the influence on the low-income group is greater than the high-income group. Moreover, the influences on the six districts in the city and the other districts are different. The income of individual residents has significantly positively affected the utility of individual income; the utility of individual income has a significantly positive impact on the subjective well-being of residents, playing a complete intermediary role in the impact of individual income on their happiness. The individual income preference of residents has significantly negative impact on income utility and subjective well-being of residents, and plays an indirectly moderated role in the influence of individual income on their happiness. Therefore, we can start from the macro and micro levels to improve the subjective well-being of residents by increasing the disposable income of residents, strengthening the publicity of all walks of life, and guiding residents to pay attention to spiritual life so as to achieve the purpose of a better life for residents.

Key words individual income; utility; preferences; subjective well-being


作者简介 高启杰,管理学博士,中国农业大学人文与发展学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100193

