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恢复原状费用赔偿的性质发布时间:2019-06-26  点击数:
作 者:李承亮
摘 要:

系统整理我国民事责任方式的难点在于确定医疗费、修理费等恢复原状费用 赔偿的性质。恢复原状费用赔偿不是赔偿被侵权人因支出医疗费、修理费等而遭受的间接财 产损失,而是以支付金钱的方式将人身伤害、物之损坏等直接损害恢复原状。恢复原状费用 不应当由被侵权人垫付,而应当由侵权人预付。金钱赔偿并不是与恢复原状相对的概念。恢复原状费用赔偿既属于金钱赔偿,也属于恢复原状,因而在适用上优先于价值赔偿和精神损 害赔偿。到底是实际实施恢复原状,还是赔偿恢复原状费用,应当由被侵权人选择。虽然被侵 权人通常都会选择恢复原状费用赔偿,也不应当一般性地免除侵权人实际实施恢复原状的 义务。被侵权人即使没有选择恢复原状费用赔偿,在侵权人经催告仍不履行恢复原状义务时 仍然可以选择恢复原状费用赔偿,无需另行起诉。


The Nature of Compensation for Restoration Fees

Li Chengliang (Wuhan University)

AbstractThe difficulty in systematically sorting out the specific civil liabilities in China is to determine the nature of compensation for restoration fees such as medical expenses and repair costs. Compensation for restoration fees is not to compensate the indirect property loss of tort victims resulting from medical expenses and repair costs, but to restore the direct damage to personal injury and property by way of money. Compensation for restoration fees shall be paid in advance by the tortfeasor instead of the victim. Pecuniary compensation is not a concept contrary to restoration. Compensation for restoration fees is both in the range of pecuniary compensation and that of restoration, thus prevailing over value compensation and moral damage compensation. The tort victim should be entitled to choose whether to demand against the tortfeasor the liability of restoration or the liability for compensation for restoration fees. Although the victim usually chooses compensation for restoration fees, the tortfeasor shall not be relieved from the obligation of restoration. Even if the tort victim does not demand the liability of compensation for restoration fees, where the tort victim fails to perform the obligation of restoration after being urged, the tort victim may claim compensation for restoration fees without a separate lawsuit.

Keywordspecuniary compensation; compensation for medical expenses; compensation for repair costs; restoration prevail; the tort victim’s right of option


作者简介 李承亮,法学博士,武汉大学法学院副教授;湖北 武汉 430072
