健康传播领域的代表性学术期刊《健康传播》(Health Communication),2007 至 2016 年间涉及健康叙事的文章,主要聚焦于叙事功能与叙事语境两方面。叙事功能的研究体现在劝服功能、意义建构、身份建构、治疗功能以及名人叙事的劝服功能。叙事语境则主 要包括文化中心路径及急诊室语境。健康叙事研究的最新动向,体现在公共卫生领域的劝服 功能以及名人叙事的劝服功能,反映出将健康叙事与疾病预防、健康劝服相结合的趋势。另 外,对于健康叙事语境的关注,特别是文化中心路径的健康叙事分析,也是较新的研究话题, 显示出学者们对边缘群体叙事的日益关注。
The Main Aspects of Health Narrative Research An Analysis of the Literature in Health Communication (2007-2016)
Xu Kaibin (Wuhan University)
Wan Ping (Sichuan International Studies University)
Abstract: Through an analysis of the relevant literature regarding health narrative from 2007 to 2016 in the flagship journal Health Communication in the field of health communication, this study found that the Western health narrative research mainly focused on narrative function and narrative context. The study of narrative function is reflected in persuasion, meaning construction, identity building, treatment, and persuasion of celebrity narration. The narrative context mainly includes the culture-centered approach and the emergency room context. The latest research trends to study the persuasion effects of health narrative in public health and the persuasion function of celebrity narrative reflect the combination of health narrative and illness prevention/health persuasion effects in the field of health communication. In addition, the attention to the health narrative context, especially the culture-centered approach to health narrative analysis, is a new research topic, suggesting that scholars are paying more attention to the narrative of marginal groups.
Key words:Health Communication; health narrative; public health; celebrity narrative
■作者简介 徐开彬,Doctor of Philosophy in Communication,武汉大学新闻与传播学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学媒 体发展研究中心研究员;湖北 武汉 430072。
万 萍,四川外国语大学新闻传播学院副教授(通讯作者)。