韦偃是唐代著名的松石画高手,其《双松图》因杜甫《戏为韦偃双松图歌》广 为后人所熟知,而诗中最重要的文化意象是胡僧憇松。北宋元祐三年正月十二日,苏轼、李公 麟应柳仲远之请,联袂而作《憇寂图》。它与韦偃《双松图》相比,《憇寂图》中的人物从外来 “胡僧”变成了本土“老僧”,植物从“双松”变成了“孤松”。此变化虽小,却包含了丰富的唐宋 文化变迁的信息。此外,苏、李《憇寂图》是杜甫《戏为韦偃双松图歌》经典化进程中最重要 的环节之一,后来《憇寂图》自身也被经典化了。
A Non-Han Buddhist Monk Resting under a Pine: Transformation of Cultural Images from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty
Li Xiaorong (Fujian Normal University)
Abstract: Wei Yan was a famous painter who is good at painting pines and stones in Tang Dynasty. In his painting Double Pines, the most important cultural image is a non-Han Buddhist monk resting under two pine trees, widely known to posterity by Du-Fu's A Poem for Wei Yan's Painting Double Pines. Invited by Liu Zhongyuan, Su Shi and Li Gonglin co-painted A Monk in Meditation under a Pine according to Du-Fu's poem on the day January 12th, the third year of the reign of Yuan-you in Northern Song Dynasty. In this painting, the non-Han Buddhist monk from Double Pines was turned into an old Chinese monk and double pines into one lonely pine. This little change contains a wealth of information on cultural changes from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty. Furthermore, the picture of A Monk in Meditation under a Pine by Su Shi and Li Gonglin was one of the most important links in the process of classicalization of A Poem for Wei Yan's Painting Double Pines. The painting itself later also became a classic.
Key words:A non-Han Buddhist monk resting under a pine; cultural images; Double Pines; a Monk in Meditation under a Pine; changes from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty
■作者简介 李小荣,文学博士,福建师范大学文学院教授、博士生导师;福建 福州 350007。