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元代散曲的“野逸”之趣发布时间:2019-06-26  点击数:
作 者:查洪德
摘 要:

20 世纪初至今的近百年,学者对元散曲的文体特点进行了深入探讨,作出 过不同概括,如”“”“”“等。存在多种不同概括,说明我们对元代散曲特色的把握 还不到位,需要做进一步探讨,找出能体现元代散曲基本精神的更高概括。这个更高概括应 该是野逸野逸是元代文人中普遍存在的生活状态、心理状态和文化精神,它体现在元 代文学艺术的诸多方面,以前人们多从元代绘画来认识元代文人的野逸情趣,其实在散曲 中表现得更为充分。元代散曲野逸表现形态有多种,如狂野肆逸、疏野旷逸、朴野恣逸、乡 野恬逸、闲野俊逸、野思逸想、俚野荒逸等。


The Fascination of “Ye Yi” from Sanqu in Yuan Dynasty

Zha Hongde (Nankai University)

Abstract Since the beginning of the 20th century, scholars have made in-depth discussions about the stylistic characteristics of Yuan Sanqu (元散曲) for nearly one hundred years, and made different generalizations, such as ``secular"(), ``humorous"(), ``vivid" () and ``tart"(). The existence of various generalizations suggests that we have not yet fully grasped the characteristics of Sanqu in Yuan Dynasty. Further research is needed to obtain a higher generalization which can cover ``secular", ``humorous", ``vivid" and ``tart", and reflect the basic spirit of Sanqu. This higher level generalization should be ``Ye Yi" (野逸), which is a common living state, psychological state and cultural spirit among literati in Yuan Dynasty and reflects many aspects of literature and art. People used to know ``Ye Yi" of literati from paintings in Yuan Dynasty, but it is in fact more fully expressed in Sanqu. There are many forms of expressions of ``Ye Yi'' in Yuan Sanqu, such as wild and supercilious individual spirit with informal behavior, leisurely spirit with seclusion life and open-mindedness, free spirit with the pursuit of the natural state of non-human intentions, experience in the peaceful and comfortable rural environment, literati's imagination with coexistence of elegance and popularity, wild thoughts out of traditional and usual values, and vulgar and absurd character with detached spirit.

Key wordsYuan Sanqu; stylistic characteristic; Ye Yi


作者简介 查洪德,文学博士,内蒙古元代文学研究基地首席专家,南开大学文学院教授、博士生导师;天津300071
