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文明论视域中的中西哲学及其会通发布时间:2019-06-26  点击数:
作 者:陈赟
摘 要:

哲学具有地方性和世界性。作为文明论的现象,具体的哲学总是历史地与特 定的文明形态关联在一起,它不仅出于某种文明体,而且也具有对文明体的承担意识,由此 可以构筑一种具有历史纵深和文明厚度的哲学概念。与纯而又纯地追求彻底形式化的哲学 相比,文明论的哲学可以说是一种厚的哲学。正是这种厚的哲学,在普遍同质化的世界 进程愈来愈深入的过程中,承担着世界的多样化与丰富性,为不同形态的哲学提供了合法性。 中西哲学的交遇作为人类文明的重要事实之一,必然导致二者之间的会通,会通的形式有三 种:以普遍同质化世界进程为基础,建立与之相应的面向人类共同境况与问题的“大哲学”或 世界哲学;通过学习他者、吸纳他者而丰富自身,以绕道他者的方式重建自身;以哲学游牧 者的姿态在不同哲学与文明之间自由穿行,从而解除哲学与特定文明的具体捆绑,建立二者 之间流动性的自由关联。


Chinese and Western Philosophy and Its Communication from the Perspective of Civilizationism

Chen Yun (East China Normal University)

AbstractPhilosophy has dimensions of both locality and globalization. As a phenomenon of civilizationism, concrete philosophy is always associated with a specific form of civilization. It not only originates from a certain civilization, but also has a sense of commitment to that civilization. It is thus possible to construct a philosophical concept with historical depth and thickness of civilization. Compared with the purest philosophy of pursuing thorough formalization, it can be said to be a ``thick philosophy". It is this ``thick philosophy" that bears the diversity and richness of the world in the process of increasing homogeneity and provides legitimacy for different forms of philosophy. The encounter between Chinese and Western philosophy is one of the important facts of human civilization and it will inevitably lead to communication between them. There are three types of communication: the first type is based on the process of universal homogenization and establishes a corresponding ``big philosophy" or ``world philosophy" for human common situations and problems; the second is to enrich one type of philosophy by learning from the other type, to rebuild oneself in a way that bypasses the other; and the third type is to walk freely between different philosophies and civilizations in the form of a philosophical nomad, and to untie the given binding between philosophy and some specific civilization, and then to establish a free association between them.

Key words civilizationism; Chinese philosophy; communication between Chinese and Western philosophy


作者简介 陈 赟,哲学博士,华东师范大学哲学系暨中国现代思想文化研究所教授、博士生导师;上海 200241
