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中国古代环境美学思想体系论纲发布时间:2019-06-26  点击数:
作 者:陈望衡
摘 要:

中国古代环境美学思想的基础是农业文明,农业文明缔造了中国古代环境美 学思想的两个基点:家园意识和天人关系。中国古代的环境概念大致可分为居室环境和自 然环境两大类,我们一般将重点放在自然环境上。中国古代关于自然环境的概念主要有天地 (天)、山水、山河(河山、江山)、家国(社稷、家园)、仙境(桃花源、瀛壶)等,其中天地、山 水、江山最为重要。天地是哲学概念,山水是美学概念,江山是兼政治意义的美学概念。中国 古代环境美学的思想体系包括天人关系、家国情怀和准生态意识。天人关系主要有天人合一 论、天人相分论和天人相参论;家国情怀可以分为两个方面,即家居系列(安居、和居、雅居、 耕读传家)和国家系列(昆仑崇拜、中国、华夏);准生态意识可以分为物人共生观念和资源 保护观念,生态文明是农业文明的蜕化性回归。


An Outline of Ancient Chinese Environmental Aesthetics System

Chen Wangheng (Wuhan University)

Abstract The ideological foundation of ancient Chinese environmental aesthetics is agricultural civilization, which has created two basic ideas of ancient Chinese environmental aesthetics: one is homeland consciousness, and the other is the relationship between heaven and man. The ancient Chinese environmental concept can be roughly divided into two categories: the living environment and the natural environment, but the environmental issues discussed here generally focus on the natural environment. Chinese ancient time has concepts of natural environment, mainly including the heaven and earth (the god), the landscape, the great land (mountains, rivers), home countries (the gods of land and grain, homelands), and fairyland (the Peach Garden, the Yinghu) and so on, among which the heaven and earth, the landscape, and mountains and rivers are the most important concepts. The heaven and earth is a philosophical concept, the landscape is a concept of aesthetics, and the great land is an aesthetic concept with political significance. The ideology of ancient Chinese environmental aesthetics includes the relationship between heaven and man, the feelings of home country and the quasi-ecological consciousness. The first one is the relationship between man and nature, which mainly consists of three theories, namely harmony, distinction and coherence. The second one is the feeling of home country, which can be divided into two aspects, namely the home series (peaceful living, harmonious living, elegant living and learning to be a man and make a living) and the national series (the Kunlun worship, China, Huaxia).The last one is quasi-ecological awareness, including the concept of symbiosis and resource conservation. The ecological civilization is the developmental return of agricultural civilization.

Key words ancient Chinese environmental aesthetics; relationship between human and nature; feelings of family and country; quasi-ecological awareness; agricultural civilization; ecological civilization


作者简介 陈望衡,武汉大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
