中国的国外马克思主义哲学研究 70 年大体可以划分为“史前史”(1949 年— 1978 年)、兴起(1978 年—20 世纪 90 年代初)、深入发展(20 世纪 90 年代初—21 世纪初)、 大繁荣(21 世纪初至今)四个阶段。尽管存在初心的失落、历史方位感的缺失、学术鉴赏力 的退化等隐忧,但国外马克思主义哲学研究未来的持续繁荣依旧可以期待。未来的研究应当 做好以下三项工作:以唯物史观为指引,重新认识当代中国学术界与国外马克思主义哲学的 历史方位关系;不忘初心,为解决中国问题、建构中国马克思主义哲学理论体系而开展研究; 勇于承担历史使命,努力把中国建设成为世界马克思主义哲学研究的中心。
Studies in Foreign Marxist Philosophy in the Past 70 Years: Retrospection and Prospect
Zhang Liang (Nanjing University)
Abstract: Chinese studies in foreign Marxist philosophy in the past 70 years can be generally classified into four stages: prehistory (1949-1978), rise (1978-1990s), penetration (1990s-early 21st century), and prosperity (early 21st century-current). Despite latent angst such as recession of the original aspiration, lack of historical orientation and degeneration of academic taste, the progressively prosperous future of studies in foreign Marxist philosophy can still be expected. Further studies should center around three aspects: rethinking the relationship with foreign Marxism philosophy under the beacon of historical materialism; remaining true to the original aspiration and seeking to solve Chinese problems and construct theoretical system of Chinese Marxism philosophy; undertaking the historic mission and endeavoring to develop China into a global center of Marxist philosophy.
Key words :foreign Marxism; western Marxism; Marxist philosophy; discipline of Marxist theory; 70 years since the founding of New China
■作者简介 张 亮,哲学博士,南京大学哲学系教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 210023。