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林权的法律结构 ——以《森林法》的修改为中心发布时间:2017-11-06  点击数:
作 者:裴丽萍 张启彬
关键词:自然资源所有权; 自然资源使用权制度; 林权; 林权束; 《森林法》修改
摘 要:


Constructing Forest Tenure: Examinations Enlightened by the Latest Publicized Revision Draft of Forestry Code

Pei Liping & Zhang Qibin (Huazhong University of Science & Technology)

Abstract:The Revising Draft of Forestry Code,released for publicity and enquiry in late september 2016,has unprecedentedly underscored the legislative attempt to typify,codified and liquidated forest tenure,which should been exultantly applauded by forestry and legal practitioners alike.However,the evasive gesture expressed in this revision towards the liaison between forest tenure and forest public ownership,has complicated the conceptualization and clarification of forestry property scheme,such as dual ownership,overlapping incidents etc.,and frustrated the original intention of forest tenure reform: assuring land and tree tenure,and pacifying the owner’s inquietude of unjust takings by state.Based on the theoretical model of separating the usufruct from fee simple,forest tenure,as debris incidents bundle of forest simple,should be comprised of usufructs on forest and forestry land.

Key words:ownership of natural resources; usufruct institution of natural resources; forestry code; forest tenure; the incidents bundle of forest tenure; the amendment of forestry code
