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儒家德性伦理学、神经计算与认知隐喻发布时间:2017-11-06  点击数:695
作 者:徐英瑾
关键词:儒家; 德性伦理学; 击靶德性论; 神经计算; 隐喻
摘 要:


Confucian Virtue Ethics,Neural Computation and Cognitive Metaphors

Xu Yingjin(Fudan University)

Abstract:Virtue ethics is an umbrella label for any positions in normative ethics according to which moral outputs of a moral agent is evaluated in terms of his dispositions of delivering such outputs.Confucianism can be perceived as an instantiation of contemporary virtue ethics for many reasons,especially due to the similarities between Confucianism and Linda Zagzebski’s agent-based virtue ethics or Christine Swanton’s target-based virtue ethics.And Confucianism can be further naturalized as an ethical position which can be fleshed out via some computable model on how an artificial moral agent should work.The first computable model evaluated in this paper is provided by Paul Churchland,who proposes to train a neural computational network to acquire “virtue”.However,such proposal is believed to be defective since it cannot handle the problem of “the collapse of the hierarchy for levels of representations”.A more preferable approach is going to be appealing to the metaphorical/analogical reasoning capacities based on theso-called “corpus on Confucian moral exemplars”,and the technical realization of the whole approach is expected to be based on Pei Wang’s “Non-axiomatic Reasoning System”.

Key words:Confucianism virtue ethics; target-based virtue ethics; neural computation; metaphor
