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新结构经济学、自生能力与新的理论见解发布时间:2017-11-06  点击数:
作 者:林毅夫
摘 要:


New Structural Economics, Viability and New Theoretical Insights

Lin Justin (Peking University)

Abstract: New Structural Economics adopts analytic methods of Neoclassical Economics to study the nature of modern economic growth and its determinants. The core idea is: at each time, the structure of industry and technology in an economy is endogenous within the given structure of factor endowments, and soft & hard infrastructure adapting to the industry and technology is therefore endogenously determined by the structure of factor endowments. The enterprises’ viability is the micro-basis of New Structural Economics. In the view of New Structural Economics, following the comparative advantage is the prescription of rapid economic development. The institutional premise of the prescription is the effective market and the facilitating state. Industrial policy is a useful tool when the state plays a facilitating role in economic development. New Structural Economics brings the structure into Neoclassical Economics theoretical framework, and produces many new insights to the mainstream Neoclassical Economics. New Structural Economics works on promoting a new theoretical framework of Development Economics on the basis of rethinking the two trends of thoughts (namely, Structuralism and Neoliberalism) since the establishment of Development Economics.

Key words: new structural economics; viability; new theoretical insights; industrial policy
